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Moving House Etiquette: 14 Rules For Moving Home

June 18, 2016 admin

Moving house is a significant life event often accompanied by excitement, anticipation, and a touch of chaos. To ensure a smooth transition for all parties, courtesy, consideration, and respect can go a long way. Moving house etiquette is vital in maintaining positive relationships with neighbours, new owners, and the community. Join us as we dive into our top rules for moving house, which enforce the importance of communication, planning, and respect when you move out of a home and into a new one.

Our 14 Moving Home Rules

We understand how overwhelming it is to move house. Fortunately for you, we have compiled our list of moving house rules to ensure the process runs smoothly. Dive into our top moving house tips.

Rule 1: Notify Your Neighbours in Advance

Once it is confirmed that you are moving house, you should give your neighbours sufficient notice of your moving date to minimise surprise and inconvenience. Even if you do not know your neighbours well, giving them the necessary information, including details about the new occupants, such as whether they have any pets, is an act of courtesy. If you get on well with your neighbours, they may even offer a helping hand. 

Rule 2: Leave Your Property As You Found It

It is best practice to leave your property as it was when you first moved in. This means that you must clean up after yourself and restore any damage that may have been caused during your occupancy. Once you empty your house of your belongings, it is a good idea to clean the entire place to ensure the home is in its best condition, ready for the new owners to move in.

Rule 3: Declutter

Although it may seem like a good idea to leave behind some furniture for the new occupants, it is likely nothing but a burden. It is recommended that you declutter the entire home of any furniture or equipment to minimise the hassle for the new owner as they will only be faced with disposing of it themselves. On the other hand, leaving leftover paint or tiles may be beneficial. This will allow the new owners to refresh the walls if they do not want to change the colour.

Rule 4: Discard of Food Near-Expiry

It’s becoming increasingly common for homeowners to take vast amounts of food with them when they move house. Although this is fine for food canned or securely packaged food, it can be a problem for food that requires refrigeration to stay edible. Not only could this food be spoiled during transit, but it could also attract unwanted pests, wreaking havoc on the other items you have packed away.

Rule 5: Donate Old Clothes

It’s always tempting to hold onto old clothes, either because they have sentimental value or because you think that you might wear them again in the near future. But a house move is the perfect time to remove clothes you probably won’t wear again and give them to someone who could use them more than you. Ask friends or family if they want to have them or donate them to a local charity shop. You will feel better and save some valuable space during your move.

Rule 6: Inform Your Providers

When you move home, it is recommended to inform your providers in advance to stop any letters, bills, or papers behind delivered to your old address. You should inform the following providers and organisations of your new address:

  • Broadband providers
  • TV licencing service providers
  • Your bank and credit card companies
  • Any companies you have investments or loans with
  • Local council for voting registration and council tax purposes
  • Your employers and pension providers
  • HMRC
  • DVLA to renew your licence with your new address
  • Your children’s schools

Rule 7: Disconnect All Utilities

Inform your utility providers, such as water, gas, and electricity, about your move and agree on a date for when they should discontinue their services. Provide them with your new home address so that your future bills do not go to your old address. It is advisable to get this sorted ahead of time so that the new homeowners do not encounter any issues and you do not get a bill for their energy usage.

Rule 8: Leave Lights & Fixtures in Place

Although you should take all your belongings when you move out of your home, as an act of courtesy, you should leave behind all fixtures that enable the house to function properly. Imagine moving into a new home, and the previous owner has removed the lightbulbs, meaning you must spend your first night in the dark. Therefore, make sure you leave behind all lightbulbs, light switches, keys for all doors and windows, and so on.

Rule 9: Finish Any Partly Completed Jobs

Your house should be left in the best condition to allow the new occupants to settle in faster. If you have any partly finished jobs or paint that needs touching up, it is respectful to complete them to minimise any hassle and stress from the occupants as they move into their new home.

Rule 10: Leave a List of Valuable Information

Whether the new occupants are new to the area or not, it is a kind gesture to leave them with a list of valuable information about the house and the neighbourhood, such as:

  • The day the bins are collected
  • Home and neighbourhood parking
  • Where to find the utility meters
  • Essential places nearby, such as shops or medical facilities
  • Here is a list of contact details for local amenities such as gardeners, plumbers, and restaurants. You may leave your phone number in case the new owners have questions in the future.

Rule 11: Greet Your New Neighbours

One of the first things you should do when you move into your new home is to introduce yourself to your neighbours. This introduction marks your entry into a new community and lets your neighbours feel at ease with you moving in close by. Leave them with your contact details in case they have any issues in the future. It may even be worth inviting them for a cup of tea or sending a small gift to make them feel more comfortable with your presence.

Rule 12: Organise Your Boxes 

By the time your moving day arrives, you should have packed up your belongings and labelled each box with its contents and the room where they needed to go. It is vital to highlight the contents of each box, especially if they contain fragile items. Arrange your boxes so that the first boxes to be loaded will be the last ones unloaded. By marking and arranging each box, you are helping the removal company load your belongings safely and strategically.

Rule 13: Secure Removal Company Parking

Before the moving date, you should scope out the neighbourhood and find any restrictions, roadworks or specific regulations to find the most appropriate spot for your removal company to unload your belongings at their destination. Arrange for temporary parking permits or loading zones to prevent any blockages. This saves time on moving day for the removal company as they will not have to hunt for a place to park up to unload.

Rule 14: Moral Support For Removers

Although you should be present during the move to answer questions and assist where possible, it is crucial to trust movers with your belongings and give them the space they need to start loading them. Show your support and gratitude by providing them with refreshments or offering to cover lunch, as they may have little time to rest over the moving day. If you are happy with the service you received, as an act of kindness, you could post a positive review on Google.

Moving House Etiquette FAQs

Who needs to be notified during a house move?

Before you move house, you should prepare by notifying the following people:

  • Neighbours
  • Utility providers
  • Friends and family
  • Your bank

Is it a requirement to leave the house clean after moving out?

Legally, the seller is under no obligation to clean the house once they move out. However, cleaning and leaving the house in good condition is a common courtesy. Imagine how you would like your new home to look when you move in; you should aspire to leave it how you would like to find it.

What should you do as you move into your new home?

Once you have arrived and your belongings have been unloaded, you should give the whole house a good look over and clean if necessary. Find your meters and take readings to ensure you only start paying for what you have used. Introduce yourself to the neighbours to build community and settle into your new home.

Moving House Made Simple with Guardian Removals

Following simple etiquette can make a massive difference to everyone involved in your house move. At Guardian Removals, we are dedicated to making your house move run seamlessly. From packing, storing, loading, and delivering, we conduct each stage of the moving process with the utmost care and attention. We will create a personalised plan for your needs, upholding our etiquette throughout the process. Choose a removal company that you can rely on, contact our team today, and arrange your move.

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